Users’ Guide of İstanbul University Online Class System
Our esteemed academicians and dear students,
Our University continues to improve its distance educational facilities by “İstanbul University Live Lessons System”. This system has been prepared to ensure that education is not interrupted, and our live lessons will start on 6th April 2020.
Our students can enter the system of ‘’İstanbul University Learning Management System (IUOYS) on 4th April 2020, Saturday at 11.00 in the morning and they can make the necessary reviews and see their lesson programmes.
Users' Guide for Academicians
Please click on the following links in order to examine the academician’s users' guide;
Users' Guide for Students
Please click on the following links in order to examine the student’s users' guide;
Students Manual for Online Class System
Students Video Guide for Online Class System
Students Manual for Online Class System via Mobil Devices
We wish you the best for your studies and outstanding success.
İstanbul University Rectorate
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