Two Projects from İstanbul University Qualified for Funding from NATO

Two separate project proposals made by İstanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences were entitled to be funded by the NATO Public Diplomacy Unit.

The project application titled “Learn 2 Unite: Simulation-based Learning to Unite against NATO's Emerging Challenges” by Associate Professor Özgün Erler Bayır, Faculty of Political Sciences, was entitled to be supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy unit. It is aimed that the young people in Turkey will better understand NATO and its decision-making processes through simulation, thus contributing to Turkey-NATO relations and dialogue.

Another project entitled to be supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy Unit was the project titled “NATO for Peace and Security: Interacting with Youth, Promoting Women, Peace and Security Agenda (NATOfPaS)” led by Dr. Adviye Damla Ünlü, Faculty of Political Sciences. The NATOfPaS project, in which Prof. Dr. Nurcan Özgür Baklacıoğlu, a faculty member at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Istanbul University, is also in the project team, aims to promote the agendas of Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) and Women, Peace and Security (WPS) along with NATO's core aims and policies are examined. Project activities planned for this purpose will be carried out with the participation of 34 students from different regions of Turkey.

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