2 ERASMUS+ Projects Under the Coordination of Our University Were Eligible For Funding
In the context of “ERASMUS+ Programme” formed because of the conditions of Covid-19 pandemic, two ERASMUS+ projects, which our University will coordinate as part of partnerships for the Preparation of Digital Education in the Field of Higher Education (KA226), were eligible for funding. In this context, two of the 8 projects eligible for funding under the coordination of our country belong to our University.
The work and operations of these projects will be done as follows. Our University’s Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Oral Öncül will work as the Chairman of the Executive Board and İU Faculty of Economics Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Bekir Kayacan will work as the Coordinator. The projects that will be carried out from the European Union and International Projects Office, have digitalization priorities in higher education.
DIGIVIP Project Was Prepared in the Context of “Digital Education” Needs and “Green Growth Concepts”
ERASMUS + KA226 our first project, which is eligible for funding through the Partnerships Grant Programme for Digital Education, was prepared by Dr. Lecturer İlhan Doğan from the Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations of the Faculty of Economics of our University. The name of this project is: “Building Virtual Learning Platform for Environmentally-Friendly Digital Transformation Management”. Bielefield University (Germany), Bedfordshire University (UK), Manchester Chamber of Industry (UK) and Istanbul Mineral Metal Exporters’ Association-Immib (Turkey) are partners in the project, while Bizpark Teknoloji A.P. (Turkey) will take place as a technology contractor.
The project aims to develop a graduate-level training module in the field of digital transformation management and to establish a virtual learning platform supported by augmented reality technology. The project, which will last 24 months and will be developed in the focus of university-industry cooperation, plans to carry out many activities in partner countries, such as field research, study visits and experience sharing, as well as technology development. The project was prepared on the axis of “green growth” concepts with “digital education” needs, whose importance is increasing in the COVID-19 period. The project is also expected to have a positive impact on the digitization capacity of the Faculty of Economics. In this project, Ezgi Unal, a doctoral student from the Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations of İU, is the main researcher. On the other hand, Assoc. Dr. Gökhan Övenç and Dr. Lecturer Önder Yerlikaya from the Department of English Economics of the Faculty of Economics of İU, will take part as researchers.
"The PASSIFRS Project Aims to Create a Digital Platform to Teach International Financial Reporting Standards to Generation Z”
News: Elif Taşçı
Translated by: Yasemin Uğurlu
İU Department of Corporate Communication
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