Prof. Dr. Mahmut AK
- Prof. Dr. Sedat MURAT
- Prof. Dr. Recep GÜLOĞLU
- Prof. Dr. Halis Yunus ERSÖZ
- Prof. Dr. Bayram Mert SAVRUN
Rektör Yardımcıları Görev Dağılımları
The Senate, under the chairmanship of rector, consists of vice- rectors, deans, faculty members elected for three years from each faculty and the chairs of the institutes and schools under the supervision of the rectorate. The Senate holds at least two meetings in each education term one in the beginning and the other at the end. The president calls the senate for a meeting if s/he considers necessary. The Senate is the academic body of the university who also has these responsibilities:
1– To decide upon the bases of the education, scientific research and publishing activities of the university
2– To prepare the drafts of the laws and regulations related to entire university or present opinions,
3– To prepare the regulations related to the university or to the units of the university that will become valid after the approval of the president and published in the official gazette,
4– To analyze and decide upon the annual academic calendar and the education program of the university,
5– To entitle honorary titles that are not subject to any exam and to resolve the faculty committees suggestions for these.
6– To analyze and resolve the objections to faculty committees and the committees of institute and schools under the supervision of the rectorate
7– To elect members for the university’s board of executive directors
8– To conduct the other duties related to this law
Rector - Head | Prof. Dr. Mahmut AK |
Vice Rector | Prof.Dr.Sedat MURAT |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Halis Yunus ERSÖZ |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Bayram Mert SAVRUN |
Secretary General – Reporter | Metin KÜÇÜK |
Dean of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine | Prof. Dr. Bahaüddin ÇOLAKOĞLU |
Faculty Member of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine | Prof.Dr. Atıl YÜKSEL |
Surrogate Dean of The Faculty of Law | Prof. Dr. Adem SÖZÜER |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Law | Prof. Dr. Fethi GEDİKLİ |
Dean of The Faculty of Letters | Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZKAN |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Letters | Prof. Dr. Abdülkerim ÖZAYDIN |
Dean of The Faculty of Sciences | Prof. Dr. Yeşim ÖKTEM |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Sciences | Prof. Dr. Türker ÖZKAN |
Dean of The Faculty of Economics | Prof. Dr. Haluk ALKAN |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Economics | Prof.Dr.Ahmet İNCEKARA |
Dean of The Faculty of Forestry | Prof. Dr. Ahmet YEŞİL |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Forestry | Prof. Dr.Kamil ŞENGÖNÜL |
Dean of The Faculty of Pharmacy | Prof. Dr. Emine Akalın URUŞAK |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Pharmacy | Prof. Dr. Afife MAT |
Surrogate Dean of The Faculty of Dentistry | Prof. Dr. Gülsüm AK |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Dentistry | Prof. Dr. Faruk HAZNEDAROĞLU |
Dean of Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine | Prof. Dr. AlaattinDURAN |
Faculty Member of Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine | Prof.Dr.Ertuğrul GÖKSOY |
Dean of The Faculty of Engineering | Prof. Dr. Mehmet BİLGİN |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Engineering | Prof. Dr. Enver OKTAY |
Dean of The School of Business Administration | Prof. Dr. Recep PEKDEMİR |
Faculty Member of The School of Business Administration | Prof. Dr. Ayşe OYA ÖZÇELİK |
Dean of The Faculty of Veterinary Science | Prof. Dr.Güven KAŞIKÇI |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Veterinary Science | Prof.Dr.Sema BİRLER |
Dean of The Faculty of Political Sciences | Prof. Dr. Emrah CENGİZ |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Political Sciences | Prof. Dr. Gülden AYMAN |
Dean of The Faculty of Communication | Prof. Dr. Ergün YOLCU |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Communication | Prof. Dr. Arzu KİHTİR |
Dean of The Faculty of Aquaculture | Prof.Dr. Meriç ALBAY |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Aquaculture | Prof.Dr.Devrim MEMİŞ |
Dean of The Faculty of Religious Studies | Prof. Dr. Mürteza BEDİR |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Religious Studies | Prof.Dr.Ömer Mahir ALPER |
Dean of Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education | Prof. Dr. İrfan BAŞKURT |
Faculty Member of Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education | Prof. Dr. Necmettin Kamil SEVİL |
Dean of The Open and Distance Education Faculty | Prof.Dr.Halis Yunus ERSÖZ |
Faculty Member of The Open and Distance Education Faculty | Prof.Dr.İsmail COŞKUN |
Dean of The Faculty of Health Sciences | Prof.Dr.Ahmet AKGÜL |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Health Sciences | Prof.Dr.Arzu Razak ÖZDİNÇLER |
Dean of the Faculty of Florence Nightingale Nursing | Prof. Dr. Sevim BUZLU |
Faculty Member of the Faculty of Florence Nightingale Nursing | Prof. Dr. Sevim BUZLU |
The Head of The Institute of Cardiology | Prof. Dr. Zerrin YİĞİT |
The Head of The Institute of Social Sciences | Prof. Dr. Yasemin IŞIKTAÇ |
The Head of The Institute of Sciences | Prof. Dr. Şah İsmail KIRBAŞLAR |
The Head of The Institute of Health Sciences | Prof.Dr. İlhan İLKILIÇ |
The Head of The Institute of Pediatrics | Prof. Dr. Rüveyde BUNDAK |
The Head of The Institute of Forensic Science | Prof.Dr.Faruk AŞICIOĞLU |
The Head of The Institute of Oncology | Prof. Dr. Ahmet KİZİR |
The Head of The Institute of Marine Sciences and Authority | Prof. Dr. Fatih Mehmet ADATEPE |
The Head of The Institute of Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution | Prof. Dr. Cezmi ERASLAN |
The Head of The Institute of Türkiyat Researches | Prof. Dr. Fikret TURAN |
The Head of The Institute of Experimental Medicine | Prof. Dr. Günnur DENİZ |
The Surrogate Head of The Institute of Neurosciences | Prof. Dr. Feray Karaali SAVRUN |
The Institute of Pneumonopathy and Tuberculosis | Prof.Dr.Oğuz ÇETİNKALE |
The Head of The Institute of Eurasia | Prof. Dr. Mustafa AYDIN |
The Head of The Institute of Educational Science | Prof. Dr. Fatma Gülay KIRBAŞLAR |
The Head of The Vocational School of Health Services | Prof. Dr. Arif KAYGUSUZ |
The Head of The Vocational School of Technical Sciences | Prof.Dr.Erdoğan KÖSE |
The Head of The Vocational School of Social Sciences | Prof.Dr. Mithat Zeki Dinçer |
The Head of The Head of State Conservatoire | Prof.Dr.Müfit BAYRAŞA |
The Head of The School of Physical Education and Sport | Prof. Dr. Bülent BAYRAKTAR |
The Head of The School of Transportation and Logistics | Prof. Dr. Prof.Dr.Nilgün ÇİL |
The board of executive directors of the university consists of the deans, three professors elected by the senate to represent the different education units and areas for four years under the chairmanship of the president. If required, the president calls the board of directors for a meeting. Vice president can attend the board meetings without voting authorities. The board of executive directors is a body that assists the president in the administrative task who also has these responsibilities;
1- To assist therector in applying the decisions of the higher education supreme boards and the senate in accordance with the determined plan and programs
2- To carry the practices of activity schedules and programs, to present the investment program and budget proposal with its own suggestions after analyzing the draft by taking the views of the university’s other units into account
3- To make a decision on the subjects brought by the president related to the university administration
4- To resolve the objections against the board decisions of the faculties, institutes and schools after analyzing them
5- To conduct the other duties given by the law and regulations
Deputy Rector - Head | Prof. Dr. Mahmut AK |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Sedat MURAT |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Recep GÜLOĞLU |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Halis Yunus ERSÖZ |
Vice Rector | Prof. Dr. Bayram Mert SAVRUN |
Secretary General – Reporter | Metin KÜÇÜK |
Dean of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine | Prof.Dr.Bahaüddin ÇOLAKOĞLU |
Surrogate Dean of The Faculty of Law | Prof. Dr. Adem SÖZÜER |
Dean of The Faculty of Letters | Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZKAN |
Dean of The Faculty of Sciences | Prof.Dr.Yeşim ÖKTEM |
Faculty Member of The Faculty of Economics | Prof. Dr.Haluk ALKAN |
Dean of The Faculty of Forestry | Prof. Dr. Ahmet YEŞİL |
Dean of The Faculty of Pharmacy | Prof. Dr. Emine Akalın URUŞAK |
Surrogate Dean of The Faculty of Dentistry | Prof.Dr.Gülsüm AK |
Dean of Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine | Prof. Dr. Alaattin DURAN |
Dean of The Faculty of Engineering | Prof. Dr. Mehmet BİLGİN |
Dean of The Faculty of Business Administration | Prof. Dr. Recep PEKDEMİR |
Dean of The Faculty of Veterinary Science | Prof. Dr.Güven KAŞIKÇI |
Dean of The Faculty of Political Sciences | Prof. Dr. Emrah CENGİZ |
Dean of The Faculty of Communication | Prof. Dr. Ergün YOLCU |
Dean of The Faculty of Aquaculture | Prof.Dr. Meriç ALBAY |
Dean of The Faculty of Religious Studies | Prof.Dr. Mürteza BEDİR |
Dean of Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education | Prof. Dr. İrfan BAŞKURT |
Dean of Open and Distance Education Faculty | Prof.Dr.Halis Yunus ERSÖZ |
Dean of The Faculty of Health Sciences | Prof.Dr.Ahmet AKGÜL |
Dean of Faculty of Florence Nightingale Nursing | Prof. Dr. Sevim BUZLU |
The Head of The School of Physical Education and Sport | Prof. Dr. Bülent BAYRAKTAR |
The Head of The School of Transportation and Logistics | Prof. Dr. Abdullah OKUMUŞ |
Board Member | Prof. Dr. Abuzer KENDİGELEN |
Board Member | Prof. Dr. Şah İsmail KIRBAŞLAR |
Board Member | Prof. Dr. Şükrü PALANDUZ |
General Secretary
Secretary General: Metin KÜÇÜK
Deputy Secretary General: Tülin TAYŞİOĞLU
Deputy Secretary General: Figen CİHAN
Secretary General is the head of the administrative organization of the university and is also responsible to the rector for the works of this organization.
To procure the units of the administrative organization of the university to work productively, organized and canorously.
Without voting, to act as a reporter between the University Senate and the Board of Directors; to procure the decisions of these commissions written, preserved and kept.
To convey the decisions of the University Senate and the Board of Executive Directors to the related units of the University
To suggest proposal for an employee to be assigned in administrative staff
To procure the press and public relations services conducted
To conduct the correspondences of the Rectorate
To organize the protocol and ceremony affairs and visits of the rector
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Prof. Dr. Oğuz ÇETİNKALE | Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine |
Prof. Dr. Salim Ateş OKTAR | The Faculty of Economics |
Prof. Dr. Ergün YOLCU (İPress and Public Relations Director) | The Faculty of Communication |
Prof. Dr. Erol İNCE | The Faculty of Engineering |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hızır ASLIYÜKSEK (Vice President of Forensic Medicine Institution) | The Institute of Forensic Science |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Özcan TABAKLAR | The Faculty of Letters |
Department Of Students Affairs
Department Of Personel
Department of Health, Culture and Sports
Department of Construction and Technical
Head Ofce of Library and Documentitation
Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs
Revolving Funds Management
Department of Strategy Development
IT Department
Department of Press and Public Relations
Legal Advisory
Directorate of Issue and Publisher
Civil Defence Expert ı
Writing Works and General Paperwork
Directorate of Private Security and Protection
Social Facilities